More "Modeling Atlanta Project"
I have now completed 3 models for the "Modeling Atlant Project" (and since I am getting tired of typing that whole thing out I will for now on refer to it as MAP).
So far 3D Warehouse is working great for doing MAP. You gotta love Google and their purchase of Sketchup. I was hesitant at first but I see a ton of potential for what Sketchup can provide with the resources Google has.
It would be really cool if I could begin to eventually get some contributors to MAP. I think I have established a good "base-line" of how much detail should be modeled. I have tried to not spend more than an hour for each model. that includes getting the details of what the building looks like, importing in the GE surface into Sketchup(free), and then actually doing the model and uploading it.
Here are the quick links to the 3D Warehouse pages for the first three models (I will add new links as I complete them):
1. The Campinale
2. Prominade I
3. The Proscenium
Here is a picture of the progress so far. A Snapshot from GE