Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Condo Remodelling

I have finally gotten around to doing some serious remodeling in my condo (no thanks to my dog). I was not neccessarily going to replace my flooring (carpet) but after my dog decided to eat a hole in the seam from my living room to my sunroom, and get a hold of a bag of potting soil (yes that one was my fault for leaving it to where she could get to it), it was time to do something about the floor.

Anyhow these following pictures are a few I took during the process of installing the wood laminate flooring in my living room & dinning room. I will later be installing slate in my sunroom, kitchen, and entry/foyer area soon.

This image is of the living room as it was with the tan colored carpet... oh and my wonderful dog (sally, in front) & her best friend Lucy (my girlfriends dog)

And another shot of the living room looking towards the sun room...

Here is a similar view from the previous image showing the carpet and carpet padding gone... Just rough concrete... really makes you wonder why people do carpet... its nasty stuff...

here is an image showing the wood laminate flooring being installed. This is looking towards the dinning room from the living room.

A final shot of the flooring looking again at the dinning room. The only thing missing is the quarter-round that will hide the 1/4" gap between the flooring and the base boards (currently being installed).

Also, I have not completed the last pieces for each bedroom doorways. I am still trying to figure out the best way to fit in the flooring so that the fit is just right. Check back soon for more images of the wood flooring and slate being completely installed (and I can't wait to get it all done)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice remodelling!

I am in the same process myself, and as you, I also blog a bit about it in between all the other posts...

Now, I've got a question for you. What do you call those wooden strips that you put at the bottom of the wall, to cover the small gap between to floor and the wall, and also to make it look nicer. I just can't find the technical term for them. I'm going to put mine in tonight anyway.

I love your city pictures too by the way. You have a good hand at taking those shots. Impressing!

/ Andy
Polarbear Podcast