Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My first "guest blog" article

Recently I had a message from C. B. Whittemore (mentioned in an earlier post)that I had one of my images being used for a blog article discussing Atlantic Station. I made some comments (you can see these at the end of CB's article on Atlantic Station I linked to) in regard to her article about my opinions on the new development here in the Atlanta area. CB seemed intrigued with my ideas on planning and urban design and asked me to elaborate on some of my comments. After doing this she asked if she could publish the comments as a "guest poster" on her blog site. I agreed and she has made that post "live" as of Monday the 13th of November. You can check out the article HERE.

This interaction with CB and the whole Blogging thing has really been interesting. I have had some other contacts regarding my opinions in the article and other possible discussions on city planning and development. We will see if that goes anywhere. I have definetly caught the bug...

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