Akron Museum of Art
This last weekend a friend of mine, Nick Hill and myself took a little architectural weekend trip (I will probably have to blog about it more later). From this trip we happened up to Akron, Oh and saw the new Museum addition by Coop Himmelblau. This project is their first public building in the US. Coop is known for their avant guard design over in Europe and they didn't pull any punches with this one.
What was great was that we took lots of pictures. From that I have had two sources use some of the images for their websites/blogs. The first is a blog called Archidose (see the blurb HERE with my pic). Archidose basically does daily updates on different and new architecture being built. It has brief info. on modern designed buildings and is a great resource for Google Earth placemarks.
The other website that has used my images from my Akron visit is www.architectureweek.com, an online weekly architecture magazine. I was approached earlier in the week for permission to use some of my images for an article they were writing. I might be one of the few, so far, that has any images up on the web for this building, as it just opened on the 17th. Anyhow, you can check out the article, which gives some good information on the building, and check out some of my images they used.
If you want direct access to my photo set of the Akron Museum of Art check out my Flickr photo set.