Thursday, July 19, 2007

Shooting Models

So after I finally made my DSLR purchase I figured it was time to get out and check the Atlanta Flickr community. One of the off=shoot groups from the Atlanta Flickr Group is the Atlanta Photographers Guild(APG).

The APG is mostly about getting together down at the Elliot Street Cafe/Pub and shooting a couple of models. Two weeks ago was my first time and I wasn't sure what to expect. I have never really shot people in a portrait/modeling way and so it was a first time experience for me, and I had a blast. Also, the people were great and it is a very fun group. I only knew one person before going and so it was great to meet other people with interest in something I am becoming more in love with - Photography.

Anyhow, here are a few images from the shoot that came out for me. I was really struggling with using my flash and dealing with low and now natural light. I took about 200+ shots and maybe 10 were worth doing something with. Thank goodness for Photoshop :)

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